Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Living Joyfully--And Those Other 364 Days...

We have a lot to be thankful for in this country. I mean a lot. Even when budgets are tight and bank accounts are scarily low, if you're reading this, you can probably afford some sort of technological gadget, have a roof over your head, and haven't spent weeks fasting because there is no food to be had. Yet with so much, we seem to be discontent and bothered by the pettiest issues.

Leaving several stores the other day, I was struck by how rude and inconvenienced everyone seemed. I received a dirty look because I was "taking too long" strapping my daughter into her carseat safely because someone was waiting for my spot. Carts were rammed for being in the way, people were rude to the checkers, and I heard myriad huffs and puffs because the lines were too long. These people had carts full of Christmas gifts and groceries. Luxuries in many other parts of the world.

And yet, many of us claim to be grateful on Thanksgiving. Setting aside our hectic schedules and problems to spend one day enjoying our families, good food, and all the blessings we have been provided. But, what if we adapted that attitude every day of the year? What if we looked at our blessings rather than our inconveniences? What if we went to the store and looked the all the food we were blessed with instead of the time we had to "waste" going grocery shopping? How would our attitudes improve if we had Thanksgiving in our hearts every day of the year?

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