Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Living Joyfully-Laugh

Had you been in the car with me coming home from Target last week, you would not have guessed I was a fully grown, college educated, married woman. However, there I was in the driver's seat, belting out the loudest--and most off-key--rendition of "I Wish I Was An Oscar Mayer Weiner" you'd have ever heard.

But, there was method to my madness. Drowning out the high pitched din of "Cause if I Was An Oscar Mayer Weiner..." was the hysterical laughter of my 2-year old. Laughter is good medicine...even the Bible says so. Yet, our ability to laugh seems to get lost in the everyday stresses of life.

We need to find something to laugh about every single day. It helps release our tension and be a little happier with the world. Growing up, my mom always used to ask one thing at the dinner table: "Did anything make you laugh today?" We'd go around the table, regaling tales of any hilarious encounters that may have ensued that day. As I got older, I began to write down everything that made me laugh that day, so as to not omit any shred of entertainment value.

Now grown, I am grateful that my mom made laughter a priority. Too often, we tell others what went wrong during our day...why not share what went right? There is a time to be serious, of course, but scientific research has shown that laughter helps you feel better by loosening your muscles, and changing your outlook on life.

So, try it. If singing the "Oscar Mayer Weiner Song" as loud as possible isn't your forte, find something else. Laugh for no reason. Find the humor in things. And, tonight, at the dinner table, start the conversation with "Did anything make you laugh today?" You might be surprised how much enjoyment this little tradition will bring you and your family.

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