Monday, May 14, 2012

Living Joyfully-Think on These Things

Okay, I'll admit it. I've been cranky lately. I'm 8312 weeks pregnant. I can't bend over to pick up messes (like the one pictured above). I'm always hot and the house is always stuffy. I can't open the kitchen window because my belly hits the countertop and I can't roll over in bed unless I make a 12 point turn. I feel like I complain to everyone about everything these days (sorry Mom!)

And yet, when my 3-year old woke up yesterday in a bad mood, and continued this attitude all day, I could not hide my irritation. "Why is she being so cranky!?" I kept asking my husband. Two seconds later I started complaining to him about something unrelated.

This morning I woke up early and had an opportunity to read my Bible before my daughter woke up. I was convicted by this verse in Philippians:  
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Phil. 4:8, NIV).

I realized that my crankiness and complaining was rubbing off on the rest of my family. I was getting irritated with my daughter because I was being a bad example for her. I have not been thinking on things that were true, noble, or right, I've been thinking on the negatives, and it's affecting everyone around me. 

This week, I am pledging to make my home a "Complaint Free Zone." Sure, I'll still get irritated and frustrated by things, but I have the choice to voice those things, or to let them go. Will you join me in making your home a complaint free zone this week? When a negative thought enters your head, find something lovely, excellent, or praiseworthy to dwell on instead. Your good attitude might start rubbing off on those around you and your entire family will benefit!

Read more "Living Joyfully" articles here

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1 comment:

  1. Challenge accepted! I will make my hotel room a "compaint free zone" and turn my thoughts to pure and lovely ones - even though I am stuck in downtown Atlanta (where there is little to do!) and the sky is cloudy, dark, and gray - yet, I will find things to praise Him for! Yep, count me in (and say a quick prayer for me!), I'm can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!! Thanks for this post Sara, I needed to hear it!! -- U Know =)


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